Sunday, April 5, 2009

Leaping Neptune

My super power of the day is the incredible ability to stay up way later than I should so I know I'm not going to get up early tomorrow to play my guitar. And on the topic of the guitar, my teacher's taste in music is, um, not so good, so I'm learning "Blackbird" and "More than Words" right now. Let me tell you something about "More than Words." Any time a guy sings half a song in soprano, there's a fair bet it's not a song for guys. So a message to the guys out there: if you think you're all cool and you want your superpower to be singing soprano because it's all against the grain and everything, don't do it. Nancy.

The worst part about the whole stupid thing is the song's so hard, so I'm proud when I get a small part of it, and then I find myself humming it in the car. Tell no one.

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